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Watch This 2 Minute Video To Get A Better Understand Of What Software Therapy Could Potentially Do For Your Pain

Rapid Muscle And Joint Repair

1281 East Ave #100
Chico, CA 95926
(530) 767-5688

What Are Others Saying About Softwave Therapy?


Jerry (Back Pain)

Ever heard of waking up without back pain? Seems like a fantasy, doesn't it? But Softwave Therapy turned it into a reality for me. I was skeptical at first, but now? I'm a total believer. My mornings used to start with grimaces due to my intense back pain, but now, I'm pain-free and more energized than ever. If you're in pain and need relief, trust me, Softwave is worth every penny.

The change didn't happen overnight, but with each session, I noticed less pain and increased mobility. I'm living proof that Softwave works wonders. If you're anything like me, and you've spent years hunting for a solution to persistent pain, your search ends here.


Ariel (Back Pain)

Softwave Therapy is nothing short of a miracle. I've been dealing with intense back pain for years, and I was resigned to the fact that this was my life now.

Then I tried Softwave Therapy. And for the first time in what felt like forever, I experienced relief.

It was like a veil of constant discomfort was lifted, and I felt like myself again. Softwave Therapy brought back a zest for life that I hadn't felt in years. So, if you're struggling with persistent pain, please, don't let skepticism keep you from trying this. I'm so glad I didn't.


Julie (Shoulder Pain)

When I first heard about Softwave Therapy, I was battling chronic shoulder pain. Nothing I tried seemed to bring more than temporary relief. But Softwave? That was a whole new ballgame.

After just a couple of sessions, I could feel a marked difference - the constant throbbing was fading away.

I don't usually write testimonials, but Softwave Therapy has made such a significant impact on my life that I want others to know about it. If you're tired of the constant pain and discomfort, you need to try this. It's truly been a lifesaver for me.


George (Knee Pain)

For years, my knee pain was so severe, I couldn't even think of getting out of bed without a grimace. I originally injured it playing soccer, the sport I love.

It was demoralizing and utterly debilitating. Then, I was introduced to Softwave Therapy.

Initially, I had my doubts - could this really be the solution I've been searching for? Spoiler alert: It was.

The transformation has been incredible. My pain has decreased to such an extent that it's now just a blip in my day - not the all-encompassing storm it used to be. If you're suffering from any type of pain like I was, don't wait. Give Softwave Therapy a try. It has changed my life, and I believe it could do the same for you.

Softwave Therapy Has Been Featured In These Prestigious Media Outlets

Softwave Therapy: Relieves Pain, Activates Stem Cells, and Increases Healing

Our BioWave Healing protocol presents an innovative and transformative solution in the realm of regenerative medicine. This procedure has been clinically validated, nationally acclaimed, and secured FDA approval, demonstrating a significant success rate in numerous clinical trials.

The very technology that is utilized for kidney stone treatment is now applied to boost circulation and encourage the mobilization of stem cells and growth factors to areas of injury.

In the past, this healing method was limited to Europe and elite athletes. We take pride in being among the pioneers in Chico to provide BioWave Healing!

Take The First Step To A Life With Less Pain and More Freedom...

Benefits Of Softwave Therapy

  • Pain reduction

  • Reduces inflammation

  • ​Increased function & mobility

  • ​Non-surgical & drug-free

  • ​Cost effective

  • ​Activation of stem cells

  • ​Regeneration of damaged tissue

  • ​No negative side effects

  • Boosts collegen production

  • ​10 minute treatment time

Conditions Commonly Treated

  • Neck and Back Pain

  • ​Shoulder Tendinopathies

  • ​Bone on Bone Discomfort (Knees, Shoulders, Hips, Discs)

  • ​Tennis Elbow/Golfers Elbow (epicondylitis

  • ​Heel Spurs/Plantar fasciitis

  • ​Muscular Trigger Points

  • ​Fractures

  • ​Neuropathies

  • ​Patellar Syndrome

  • ​Ulnar Nerve/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • ​Biceps Tendinopathies

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